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open, close and open my eyes...

open, close and open my eyes...  I've opened the door today...grey of the rain was too sad for my eyes...i've closed them...walked, walked...on the road...again... Walking on the road , my eyes on the moon...taking the RER... And my eyes, watching at the moon,  now...and i see what i want to  […]

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waiting for legal drugs...

 27/09/2005 à 13:36 Waiting for legal drugs... Waiting for legal a Junkie who needs a fix... The shop is open, always open...Drugs to survive...they 're building a Wall between my mind and my body... à travers ces barreaux ...i catch the light... Saisir la lumière...à tous  […]

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just feeling like Marseille...

just feeling like Marseille... juste comme Marseille...entre cages et horizon...beauté et crasse...violence et apaisement...Marseille aux multiples visages, regard sur l'infini ...les pieds chancelant de tant différences...doux clapotis de mes rêves en errance Marseille qui espère...noyée dans sa  […]

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for people who are half-burned by so much light

for people who are half-burned by so much light There are people who approach the sun too near that a part of them is burgled...they look likes birds with broken wings...and they try again and again  to fly away, but something , someone hold them back...something called fever for life...and they  […]

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