dream of a human world...

Empty spaces...
eyes and heart full of tears
shouting fever life
in this cold world...
what are we living for...?
Trying day after day
to become what i'm
looking for humanity
in this cold world...
Is there a reason to hope?...
a reason to dream of a better world, of an human world?...
1 De muche -
T'es Dame Pipi ? PTDR ! Bon, c'est trop rouge pour mes tits yeux...
Rédigé par: muche | 03/11/2005 at 21:09
2 De sw -
if there isn't any reason to hope, then...
noone would ever write such words,
and noone would ever answer to.
the world's so cold, yes, but sometimes,
someone put a smile on our face.
and as long as it will happen,
i'll hope.
dreamin' of a big better world,
with universal humanity and respect, i don't.
hopin' for a little sweet world,
with people i choose for their humanity,
people i love, people i respect and who respect me,
and then forgetting the rest of this stupid world,
that, really, until now, i still do.